Friday, April 30, 2010

Anniversary Bands

My sweet husband wanted to get me another wedding band for our 25th anniversary that is coming up.  I couldn't make a decision between the Faith Hope & Love band or the Song of Solomon band, so he got both!  I love both of them!  The hard part will be deciding which one to wear....  

1 comment:

  1. Lisa - Iwas in your class tonight. It was the second class I've had with you and I just want you to know what I "get" from you. It's the message. Your class always seems to have a theme. It's something I haven't experienced before. But both times, your theme has touched upon something I was experiencing in my life and had an impact. The first one was about the"heart" and this one was about dealing with unexpected "challenges/struggles". I am at the end of a five year relationship so both have hit me between the eyes. I just want you to know that you make a difference. And I want to "thank you".
